Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let It Snow



Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

 Read about the man who photographed snowflakes for the first time.  This delightful book is really a biography.  There’s fascinating science too.  The pictures really tell the story but there are a lot of little extras for the older kids.  I would read this book to kids 5-8.

 In the Snow by Sharon Phillips Denslow

 Meet the woodland animals as they come to eat the seeds left by a certain someone.  Science and beauty together.  I would read this book to kids 2-6.

 Snow by Cynthia Rylant

 There are different kinds of snow falls described in this lyrical and beautiful book. Once again, science and literature walk hand in hand. I would read this book to kids 4-7.

 The Snowman by Raymond Briggs

 Go on a magical journey with the snowman and his friend.  There are no words in the book so you can make your own story together. Amazing illustrations enhance the story.  I would read this book to kids 1-8.

 I know it’s snowing and blowing,  but until next week, keep on reading!

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